--read trace file using fn_trace_gettable
INTO DBA..HREmployees_Trace
FROM fn_trace_gettable('G:\HREmployees_Trace_31.trc', default) Trace
And then this is the statement that I used to find the records for the problem query that we were troubleshooting:
SELECT StartTime,EndTime,TextData,*
FROM dbo.HREmployees_Trace
WHERE TextData = 'select * from HREmployees
where Status = "A"'
But, it immediately failed w/this error:
Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The data types ntext and varchar are incompatible in
the equal to operator.
Why am I getting that error? Well, the answer is very simple. The next and varchar are not compatible when compared with each other using equal sign. If you look at that table I created when loading the trace file (.trc), you can see that TextData is created as NTEXT.
Fastest workaround? Use LIKE instead of EQUAL (=), like this:
SELECT StartTime,EndTime,TextData,*
FROM dbo.HREmployees_Trace
WHERE TextData LIKE '%select * from HREmployees where Status = %'
And you see there... it's no longer failing to collect from the NTEXT column.
Take a look at this for a little more detail on sys.fn_trace_gettable: