What's the fastest way to kill all database connections? Properly, I should say... without pulling the cord on the server.
I'm glad you asked! 😉 The easiest/fastest way that I am aware of is to set the database into SINGLE_USER. This will sever all active connections to the database aside from your own. Like this:
kill all connections to a database
USE master;
ALTER DATABASE SSISDB -- change to your dbname
When you've done your thing and you're ready to let them back in, you'll set it back to MULTI_USER, like this:
set it back into multi user
USE master;
ALTER DATABASE SSISDB -- change to your dbname
Easy peasy.
You could also use a cursor to go through all active processes in the database, killing them sequentially... but, I don't often recommend the cursor method, if it can be avoided.