Every so often you are going to need to check the SQL Server service accounts. Maybe you've just taken on a new customer, or you've inherited someone else's SQL inventory, and you don't know what accounts the services are running under. You can remote into the servers one at a time, and run SQL Server Configuration Manager, but -- that is kind of time consuming. Use this piece for a much quicker way to find your service accounts. You can even run it across a CMS (Central Management Server) Group, and collect this data from all of your servers with one execution.
ds.servicename [ServiceName],
ds.startup_type_desc [StartupType],
ds.status_desc [ServiceStatus],
ds.service_account [ServiceAccount],
ds.filename [EXEFileName],
ds.last_startup_time [LastStartup]
sys.dm_server_services ds;
There are some other values from sys.dm_server_services as well, but I've just returned a few quick details on the service accounts. See this for more details on this DMV:
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