Just one more quick post today; As I mentioned in my last post, I am preparing to perform a rolling upgrade for one of my customer's high performance mirror sessions. Well, as I'm covering all of the bases, I wanted to check sys.database_mirroring, just to be sure the mirror details are as I expect them to be.
Here is a quick query that you can use for exactly that. It will tell you which of your databases are mirrored; and it will provide the mirror state and safety, along with the mirroring role and mirroring partner. Take a look, let me know what you think.
DB_NAME(database_id) [Database],
CASE WHEN mirroring_guid IS NOT NULL THEN 'Mirroring is On'
ELSE 'Mirroring is not configured' END [IsMirrored],
mirroring_state_desc [MirrorState],
CASE WHEN mirroring_safety_level = 1 THEN 'High Performance'
WHEN mirroring_safety_level=2 THEN 'High Safety'
ELSE NULL END [MirrorSafety],
mirroring_role_desc [MirrorRole],
mirroring_partner_instance [MirrorPartner]
Pretty handy, I'd say. Take a look at this for more details on sys.database_mirroring:
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